The Feeding Journey
We can help wherever you are in your feeding journey whether you are a parent/caregiver or a feeding professional.

Your child is having...
Sucking Feeds
You are establishing sucking feeds with your baby via the breast or bottle. We will assess your baby's positioning, latch, suck and functional feeding skills. Their oral anatomy and motor skills will be assessed. The effect of any anatomical abnormalities including tongue ties will be investigated and recommendations made. Onward referrals will be made if indicated, however very rarely is surgery required when the correct feeding support is provided.
We can help with the following:
-Difficulty latching to the breast/teat which may include spillage
- Difficulty sucking
- Coughing, choking or gagging
- Poor endurance and fatigue
- Refusal of the breast or bottle
- Difficulty transitioning to the bottle

You are...
Starting Solids
Starting solids is an exciting time in your child's feeding development, however it can also be overwhelming with the amount of information available. As learning to eat is a motor skill we must provide appropriate food choices to help your child progress through the solids heirachy. All children progress at different rates and may not match with the information provided for their age.
We can help to support the safe and positive introduction of solids and if your child has the following:
- Difficult transition to solids/lumps/finger foods
- Gagging with lumps/solids
- Spitting out of foods
- Pocketing of food in mouth
- Chewing or oral motor problems
- Coughing/choking
- Excessive drooling

Your child is a...
Restrictive Eater
Selective or restrictive eating is extremely challenging for both your child and your family. Mealtimes at home are likely unenjoyable and eating out near impossible. It can also impact your child's desire to attend parties and events with their friends and family. We are experts at implementing a gradual stress free approach to increase the number of foods your child will accept and decrease the stress associated with mealtimes.
We can help if your child has any of the following:
- Fussy, picky, selective eating
- Limited number of foods eaten
- Feed refusal or distress with eating
- Oral or feeding aversions
- Stressful mealtimes and mealtime battles
- Tube fed
- ARFID diagnosis

You are a...
Speech-language Therapist
You are a feeding specialist working with children and need some additional support. We can help with the following:
- Clinical supervision
- Education/Presentations
- Professional Development

You are a...
Parent Group
You are a group of parents/caregivers who would like support and education regarding the feeding process with your child. Information sessions can be tailored to your groups needs and can include the following information:
- 0-4 months: feeding cues, positioning, bottle types, teat flow rates and progression, weaning
- 4 months +: what, when, how to start solids and progress through to family meals, introduction of cup drinking